Is Citi Bike Down?

Is Citi Bike not working for everyone right now? Get current Citi Bike outages, status, timeouts and issue reports today.

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Citi Bike is a privately owned public bicycle sharing system serving the New York City boroughs of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens, as well as Jersey City, New Jersey

Citi Bike website request errors

This graph shows Citi Bike errors and response times for the website over the past day. Website status and slowness is related to downtime for Citi Bike and errors for their site.

Citi Bike outage report graph

This chart above shows Citi Bike error reports submitted in the past 24 hours (one day) compared to the recent average over similar days. The status of Citi Bike is marked as "down" when the number of reported errors is significantly higher than the average errors.

More about Citi Bike service

Citi Bike is a privately owned public bicycle sharing system serving the New York City boroughs of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens, as well as Jersey City, New Jersey. Named after lead sponsor Citigroup, it was operated by Motivate, with former Metropolitan Transportation Authority CEO Jay Walder as chief executive until September 30, 2018, when the company was acquired by Lyft. The system's bikes and stations use technology from Lyft. First proposed in 2008 by the New York City Department of Transportation, Citi Bike's scheduled 2011 opening was delayed by Hurricane Sandy and technological problems. It officially opened in May 2013 with 332 stations and 6,000 bikes. By October 2017 annual expansions brought the totals to 706 stations and 12,000 bikes, making the service the largest bike sharing program in the United States.

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What should I do if Citi Bike is unavailable?
If Citi Bike is UP but you can't load the page, here are some helpful troubleshooting steps:
Try refreshing your browser page or close any accompanying applications and retry opening them.
Check if access to Citi Bike is blocked
Access to Citi Bike may be blocked due to an antivirus or firewall configuration either on your own computer or phone or by an employer or network. Check for anti-virus programs or firewalls installed on your machine. Alternatively, try to use the website or app via another network like one on a mobile phone so you can access Citi Bike.
Clear browser cache and cookies
Try clearing your browser cache and cookies and change the IP address of the computer by disconnecting and reconnecting the internet. Then try to access Citi Bike again.
DNS Cache
To clear the DNS cache on your computer, look up instructions for your specific operating system online. Then try to access the Citi Bike site again.
Web Browser Plugins
If you are still having trouble accessing Citi Bike, you may try to disable web browser plugins (like ad-blockers) which may be interfering with access to Citi Bike